Free .Z File Extractor

UnzipLite is a free compression and encryption program. You can Extract and open z, zip, rar, iso, tar, msi, cab, chm, rpm and more!

Download Unziplite now completely free!

Extract Z Files

  • Open and Extract archives

    UnzipLite can open ZIP files (unzip files) and it can also open RAR files (unrar files). The following file types can be uncompressed (or extracted): ZIP, RAR ,ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, TAR, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, 7z and Z. It also has the ability to create self-extracting files in the 7z fomat.

  • Fast and Efficient

    Fast and efficient unzipping and unraring of the powerful compression formats providing 2-10% better compression ratio than WinZip

  • Compress for emails

    Compress files for email transmission and use strong AES-256 encryption in 7z or ZIP formats for high security.

  • Free & Open source

    UnzipLite is free and open source based on the 7-Zip project. We benefit from community driven development.

  • Multilingual

    Can be used in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Dutch, and Japanese. A total of 79 languages.

Installing UnzipLite

Clicking the download button begins installation of InstallIQâ„¢, which manages your unzipLite installation. Learn More.
You may be offered to install the File Association Manager. For more information click here.
You may be offered to install the Yahoo Toolbar.


More UnzipLite Features

UnzipLite – Best Software to easily compress files and folders

UnzipLite is an archiving, packing and compression tool to create, manage, and extract compressed files and folders.

  • Fast and efficient file compression (zipping) and uncompression (unzipping)
  • Compress files for email transmission
  • Archive data to use less disk space

UnzipLite Features

  • Quickly create new ZIP files and any of the following formats: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM.
  • Edit or extract existing 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM files
  • Create or open encrypted ZIP files and 7z files.
  • Open and extract files from many types of archives including rar, cab, tar, 7z, iso and more. See below for supported formats.
  • Convert archives to zip from other formats
  • Quickly zip common folders with the UnzipLite context menu
  • Email zip files in two easy clicks
  • Burn archived files to CD/DVD for long term backup
  • Simple but powerful user interface with easy-to-use drag and drop functionality
  • Read and convert CHM help files to their original HTML format
  • No need to mount or burn ISO files, simply convert ISO to their original file formats
  • A free alternative unzip and unrar software to 7-Zip, WinZip, WinRAR, Peazip and other compression utilities
  • Opens RPM files in Windows, and other formats for non-Windows systems like bzip2 and gzip.
  • Can open compressed LZH files.

Open Many Compression File Types

The following file types are supported: ZIP, RAR ,ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, TAR, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, 7z and Z. You can extract MSI files, without running the installer. You can open ISO images without burning a CD. You can even convert CHM help files.

Compress and Share

The .zip and .rar file formats are the most widely used compression file formats for cross-platform data exchange. UnzipLite can also be used to create .zip files which is ideal for compression and also file sharing.

System Requirements

Works on Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows Vista